Wednesday, July 29, 2009

3rd Month stats and news

OK. At the end of the 3rd month, Total money paid out is $1922.00, including the years total for the extract fuzion website. If I prorate the website, the money paid out is $1493.00. Total income is $1548.15. NET $55.15 !!! YEAH!!! Thanks to the 5th week in July, I'm now completely in the black after 3 months.

Next month, the outlay will increase by around $300.00. including the website. Which means that after the second week, I will be profiting again.

I have 2 new preferred customers. 4 new in my downline. I believe that I will have 2 more distributers within the next week. Things are really looking up!!

I have had email from customers letting me know about the benefits from Seven Plus. Reported results include, better sleep patterns, deeper sleep, relief from psoriasis, eczema and other skin ailments, pain relief from swelling, better digestion and elimination, relief from itching, more energy, relief from fatigue caused by genetic and chromic ailments (including lupus), decreased food cravings, faster healing from cuts and bruises and decreased headaches. This is just the list of the results that I have been made aware of. Everyone seems to benefit differently, but almost everyone notices changes for the better.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Road Trip 2

Needless to say, the last road trip went exceedingly well.  We drove to Spokane Washington, spent 2 days and drove back, stopping off in Portland, Oregon.  I went without any meds except 1/2 pain pill on the trip back.  Too much inactivity.   The next day was great though.  As though I had not spent 4 of the previous 6 days on the road, in a car.  This was excellent news!!

So.  Two weeks later, my bride wanted to drive to see her father.  He lives 450 miles away in Sothern California.  So we packed up Eloise Renee and left Friday at 3pm.  We pulled into our hotel at around 11pm.

Dee had breakfast ready for us on Saturday morning.  We spent the morning there, went out for lunch and had dinner with Dee at his home.  We left our hotel Sunday morning at around 9am and pulled into our driveway around 5pm.  Again, I took 1/2 pain pill on the trip back, really before it was truly needed, but was glad that I had when we stopped.

Now, Monday morning, I can’t tell that the weekend was spent in a car.  This is compared to not being able to sit in a car for 2 hours without spending the next day or two tanked with pain medications, muscle relaxers and sleep aids!!

Oh, and Dee has started the Seven Day Challenge.  I’ll post his reactions in a week or so.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Road Trip

It is now 5:50am and I am enjoying the 1st cup of coffee today.  The morning is looking beautiful, and I think that I will walk this morning and enjoy the new day.

and I’m off.   well… after I finish my coffee……

And I’m (we’re) back.  Eloise and I just walked a short 2+ miler.  About an hour in this uneven, read hilly, terrain.  It is beautiful here and a great 64 degrees.  We drove through Shasta a few days ago and it was 107 !!

I made the trip in fair shape.  Still no meds except for a mild (1/2) painkiller because after the first 6 hour drive, my back locked up after the next 10 hours on the road.  My recovery this morning has been faster than ever before though.  I will post further into the week as to how this drive ends up.