Monday, July 18, 2016

new news

OK.  Exfuze has again joined the ranks of companies that charge for an app.  And the app is a disappointment too.  I tried it during it’s “free” stage and couldn’t find a reason to ever use it.  Especially if they charge for it!  “go Exfuze” is a dismal failure.

On to Good News.

The new Zilla container is a VAST improvement.  It holds less, so instead of getting 4 bottles, you get 5 better bottles.  Opening a new container is much, much easier.  Delivering a shot into your water is much easier.  And it is still the best tasting energy drink.  period.

The new SUMMA container has a better delivery system too.  The taste is closer to fresh brewed coffee.  It makes great “iced” coffee.  Add a little liquid French creamer and you’re good to go.

After 7 years, PRO is still my health supplement of choice.  And it’s anti-inflammatory properties are still working for me!!