Monday, September 27, 2010

ZILLA is finally here

green ZILLA was released Sept 24th at 11am.  We all received a sample (3 actually) and experienced the effects on real time.  It tastes GREAT!

I had never drank an energy drink before, so 3 weeks ago, I started drinking an energy drink every other day around noon-1pm.  There were 2 or 3 that weren’t awful, but most were 5 points past gross.  The common taste was somewhere between Robitussin and grape Benadryl.  All tasted like medicine and most have a pronounced metallic aftertaste.  The best was bad and the worst was horrible.

Green ZILLA has a citrus flavor.  It is a “light” viscosity liquid. I was told that it is reminiscent of Mountain Dew.??  (It has been years since I tasted Mountain Dew)

The first noticeable effect is a slight “Niacin” flush.  This is vascular dilation and is common and harmless.  Within 10 minutes the flush had receded and I noticed that I was feeling “refreshed”.  I didn’t feel the “rush” that some may feel, but energy isn’t something that I lack, since drinking eXfuze every day.  I did notice that after dinner, no one was eager to get back to their rooms to relax.  We walked a half mile to a lounge that had live jazz and spent the evening there until closing.  Getting 4 hours of sleep and getting up, showering, drinking our PRO or Focus, getting dressed and walking to breakfast by 7:30, then walking to the Grand America and being seated by 9am didn’t seem to faze any of us.

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