Tuesday, December 28, 2010

End of Year 2010

The current bonus of up to $180.00 per new qualified distributer will end Jan 4th 2011.  Now is the time to sign up anyone that is considering becoming a distributer.

ZILLA is making our business easier.  It is now a simple way to bring up eXfuze by asking:  “Do you drink energy drinks?  Would you be interested in a healthy, all natural, all whole food based energy drink.  One that tastes great and is cheaper than what you are currently drinking?”

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

eXfuze Retail Site

eXfuze Corp exceeded their projections and now have our retail site up and running.  You can check it out at www.exfuzenow.com/keithhartsuiker

There are now 5 ways for people to purchase ZILLA and our nutritional Seven+ line;  Face to Face retail, Online retail, Online preferred customer (autoship), Affiliate and Distributer.  These should cover every possible circumstance.

For distributers, if you would like further instructions or information on these, visit your back office and check out printed materials and audio/video tutorials.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Best Gift

We are through Thanksgiving, so we are now entering the Christmas season.  The best gift that you can possibly give to your family, as well as yourself, is the gift of eXfuze.  This gift can be the beverage and/or the business.  I am making sure that everyone I love has the chance to improve their health by exposing them to Seven+ PRO.  I am firmly convinced that everyone’s health will improve with a daily shot of PRO.  Even if they’re healthy, they will resist and recover from colds and the flu better.

The perfect gift for your family is your success with your business.  If you consistently put in 1 or 2 hours a day, 4 or 5 days a week, you will garner success.  I’m witnessing it in my team.  Those that consistently share the business with others succeed.  By sharing, I don’t mean thinking about the business or planning or reading…… These are important, but they are in addition to the 1 or 2 hours spent talking and sharing with new people.  Sporadic effort yields sporadic results.  You need to work consistently at eXfuze for at least a year or two.  The harder you work, the faster the results and the more time and money you will have to work at increasing your business.  Getting binary and receiving weekly checks is a fairly easy job now that we have ZILLA as a lead in product.

When you reach the amount of reward that you want, then coast for awhile.

Remember, you can’t coast until after you have climbed the hill.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why you need to stop your friends and family from drinking synthetic ingredient energy drinks

Copied from news accounts found on the internet:

An inquest into the September 2008 death of Chloe Leach revealed Monday that the 21-year-old had consumed around four cans of the caffeine-loaded drink along with several VKs - a vodka-based drink that also contains caffeine - before suddenly collapsing around 3 a.m. on a dance floor in the England city of Hull.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/health/2009/02/03/2009-02-03_red_bull_energy_drink_eyed_in_death_of_b.html#ixzz13fvMJ8Zo


check Wikipedia  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_drink

Article By Jason Braud of Green B Trimble Tech High School
Recently I watched E:60 and they had a great piece about energy drinks. The link is:

http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/e60/news/story?id=5726418 , I hope you take a minute to watch it. You might have to copy and paste the link to be able to watch the video. It has gone as far as the state of Virginia banning sports drinks in all their high schools. Please take a few minutes to watch this, and ask yourself why all the companies would not respond for request for interviews.
Here is the actual article without the video:

WESTON, Fla. -- Jack Owoc likes to say of his company, "The wheel of innovation never stops," but the same is true of his industry. And in the middle of a sleepy business plaza on the outskirts of Fort Lauderdale, inside a small room that's been turned into a lab, he is about to show how easy it is to make a performance-enhancing drug supplement.

The well-muscled CEO of VPX/Redline wears designer jeans and an untucked turquoise shirt, more casual dress than the white-coated techies who buzz around him. But he knows the drill, so he thrusts a tiny metal spoon into a white plastic jar filled to the rim with a chalky substance that looks like it could be baking soda, or cocaine.

"This is caffeine, from China," he says.

He taps the spoon so that a small chunk falls into a disposable tray on the table. That's the amount of caffeine, 35 milligrams, to be found in a 12-ounce can of Coke. Twice that amount is all the government allows any cola-like soda to contain, for health reasons.

His energy drink, Redline? Owoc presents a tray with 250 milligrams, for the 8-ounce bottle. The powder fills up the bottom of the tray, and has some stack to it.

And what about the most potent product on the market? He digs into the jar once, twice, three times, then says, "you're looking at that amount." Five hundred milligrams, the caffeine content in a 1-ounce bottle of 5150 Juice, which is so concentrated that it comes with a syringe and FAQ advice to dilute the liquid with water, milk or beer.

So what would prevent some wily entrepreneur from dumping more into an energy drink, in an attempt to gain a share in what has become a booming industry?

"No one would stop them," Owoc says. "It's kind of self-governing with the law.


GreenZILLA is the answer to this problem.  GreenZILLA is an all natural, whole food extract based, healthy energy drink.  GreenZILLA is GOOD for you.  It will enhance your health and your energy level.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Interested in an extra $3000.00 per month?

If I could show you a way that you could start earning an extra $3000 a month in residual income within the next 8 weeks, that had a strong potential to triple over the next few weeks, would that catch your attention?  I have been preaching for years that all of us in construction related jobs need a secondary income to smooth out the valleys.

The energy drink industry is a 9 Billion dollar a year industry, projected by many economists to be a 50 Billion dollar a year industry by the end of this decade. Fifteen percent of all people in the US consume energy drinks on a daily basis. For the 85% who are not yet using them the reason they give most often is that they are all unhealthy. What we have done is create the first ever all natural, healthy energy drink! No added sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no synthetic caffeine and no sodium benzoate! And it tastes GREAT!!  No fooling.  No jitters and No crash.  According to a study reported recently in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, they said that one of our ingredients, green tea extract, had a significant effect on fat oxidation. Now, let me ask you another question. Do you know anyone that uses energy drinks? Do you use energy drinks? Well, would you rather SPEND money using energy drinks or MAKE money using energy drinks?

Now what if I told you that all you had to do to begin earning an extra $3000 dollars a month in residual income within the next 8 weeks is to simply find two people anywhere in the United States to redirect their spending, and instead of consuming an unhealthy energy drink they switch to the only healthy energy drink that provides all natural energy in a whole food base. It is far and away the best tasting energy drink that you have ever tasted. And it is only $1.32 per serving.


Enter eXfuze GreenZILLA.  Let me show you how to get started making this kind of money. First, you need to join eXfuze as a distributer and get your replicated website. This allows you to do business all over the world. That will cost you $40. (that is $40.00 per year, with no monthly charges).  Next, you are going to want to get your hands on some product. You need to start with at least one case. There are 4 boxes of 10 bottles, or 40 (2.5oz) bottles in a case. Each bottle cost $3.95. There are 3 servings per bottle. That comes out to $1.32 cents per serving.   A case costs $159.80. So your total cost for getting started would be $199.80. I will now show you how to get all that back in your first month. (In doing so, your energy drinks will be free.)   What do you do with those 40 bottles? You are going to drink one a day (or less), and give 10 (or more) away.  When you give someone a bottle, have them drink some immediately. Then have them listen to one of our live calls or a 4 minute pre-recorded message.  (469-272-4644 – ZILLA  AND 877- 434-1015 nutritional products)  For every ten samples that you give away, a minimum of two people will want to get started with you. If you do this within your first week you will earn a minimum of $60 dollars. In week two, just have them do what you did. In week two you will earn a minimum of $30 dollars. As this process is duplicated, week three will bring you a minimum of $40 dollars. And week 4 will bring you a minimum of $80 dollars. This will bring your total monthly earnings to at least $210 dollars, which more than covers your cost of getting started. AND you have been drinking your energy drink for free!  As you begin week 5, you have no more product left. So what should you do? Buy another case of 40 bottles. And what will you do with them.? Drink one a day and give 10 away. As this process continues to duplicate, in week 5 you will earn over $160 dollars. Week 6 jumps to approximately $500 dollars. Week 7 to approximately $1000 and in week 8 approximately $1,840, for a total of $3,500 in your 2nd month! And what have you done? You have found two people anywhere in the US to redirect their spending, and begin drinking the healthiest, best tasting, least expensive drink on the market.  They aren’t buying anything new or changing their budget in any way except to be drinking a healthy drink and saving money doing so.  But why stop at two people? When you bring in a third person, your income can go as high as $2,000 dollars a week! A fourth person can get you up to $3,000 dollars a week. A fifth $5,000 dollars a week, a sixth $7,500 a week, and a seventh can get you up to $20,000 A WEEK!!  And yes, it is being done. I spoke to a distributer I know last weekend, that is currently making that amount.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

OK dokey

Where do I start?  I have a bunch of topics that I have listed to blog about, but there is an important change in how eXfuze is going, so I think that I will go there first.

GreenZILLA is taking over my business.  I was really happy to hear about the future release of an energy drink in February 2010.  I had NO idea how much it would change the dynamics of eXtract Fuzion and EXfuze corp.  I knew that it would open up a new market for us.  We have had a difficult time selling/explaining the benefits of the nutritional products to the 18 to 40 year olds.  They are still creating the health challenges that we in the 45 plus category are drinking Exfuze to overcome.  What I didn’t know was how many in the 45 plus group were also drinking energy drinks.  I began to taste test and ask people about energy drinks in June 2010.  After a few weeks of inquiry, I was starting to feel like I was the only person that I knew that DIDN”T drink energy drinks.  In conducting my “taste and energy tests”, I found that the best tasting drink was borderline nasty and the worst got spit out onto the floor before I dared swallow.  I rinsed my mouth out with coffee twice before I could speak and what I said isn’t printable.  Bad taste combined with nervous jittery adrenalin induced hypertension; combined with ingredients that are ALL synthesized and known to be bad for you.  And they still sell 9.5 billion per year! HUH??  How did their advertising genius’ pull this off??

Enter greenZILLA !!  GreenZILLA is All Natural, All Healthy, All Whole Food Extracts.  AND IT TASTES GREAT.  Seriously, It tastes really good.  Not compared to other energy drinks. As compared to soft drinks, it tastes great.  AND, not only is it not bad for you, It Is Good For You.  Doctors recommend that you drink it.

So now greenZILLA is making business easier.  We have a great market and a superior product.  Instead of having to educate our potential customers on nutrition, I open the conversation with “Do you drink an energy drink”?  If so, “Would you be interested in an energy drink that is all natural, all healthy, made from whole food extracts, tastes really good and is CHEAPER than whatever drink you are now consuming”?  What an introduction!  Then I follow up with “When you drink your current energy drink, how much do they pay you”?  (you really need to see their expressions in reaction to that question)  “You can easily drink eXfuze greenZilla for free and if you know 2 others anywhere in the US that would like to do the same, you can get paid serious dollars too”.  “If I could show how these 2 friends could turn into $3000.00+  per month in residual income, would you be interested”?  You can guess the percentage that responds “YES!”.

Monday, September 27, 2010

ZILLA is finally here

green ZILLA was released Sept 24th at 11am.  We all received a sample (3 actually) and experienced the effects on real time.  It tastes GREAT!

I had never drank an energy drink before, so 3 weeks ago, I started drinking an energy drink every other day around noon-1pm.  There were 2 or 3 that weren’t awful, but most were 5 points past gross.  The common taste was somewhere between Robitussin and grape Benadryl.  All tasted like medicine and most have a pronounced metallic aftertaste.  The best was bad and the worst was horrible.

Green ZILLA has a citrus flavor.  It is a “light” viscosity liquid. I was told that it is reminiscent of Mountain Dew.??  (It has been years since I tasted Mountain Dew)

The first noticeable effect is a slight “Niacin” flush.  This is vascular dilation and is common and harmless.  Within 10 minutes the flush had receded and I noticed that I was feeling “refreshed”.  I didn’t feel the “rush” that some may feel, but energy isn’t something that I lack, since drinking eXfuze every day.  I did notice that after dinner, no one was eager to get back to their rooms to relax.  We walked a half mile to a lounge that had live jazz and spent the evening there until closing.  Getting 4 hours of sleep and getting up, showering, drinking our PRO or Focus, getting dressed and walking to breakfast by 7:30, then walking to the Grand America and being seated by 9am didn’t seem to faze any of us.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


It is Saturday morning about 6am and the conference is going great!  John Maxwell is one of the most dynamic speakers that I have ever heard.  You would have to be here to understand what an impact He will make on your life.

Our newest product, ZILLA has been released.  It is an all natural, nothing synthesized, energy drink that is really good for your health.  I will post more about the ingredients later.  It tastes great.  I spent the last 3 weeks trying and testing the other energy drinks.  I had never needed felt the need to drink one, but knew that I needed to try the competition.  They all tasted somewhere between bad and horrible.  More on that later also.

We’re going back in today to get the latest on the formulation of Focus.  John Maxwell will speak again today.  We’ll talk again next week……

Thursday, September 2, 2010


The energy drink is almost here!  I should have samples the 1st part of October.  This will be a completely HEALTHY energy drink.  And at less cost than the other harmful drinks.

If you would like to receive a sample of the energy drink, email me and let me know.  I already have over 20 interested people on the list.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Updated Website

As of today, the Airless Spray Center website is updated to the new format.  No longer will you have to go to the informational site and then click onto the store site.  It is now formatted similar to eXtract Fuzion.  As with eXtract Fuzion, we now accept PayPal and Google Checkout.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

August 2010

Can you believe it? it's August already.  This year is really flying.  The best part August 2010 is that September 2010 is almost here.  In the last week of September, eXfuze will release a new product.  It is an energy drink.  It will share the market with Monster, Red Bull, RockStar and 5hr energy EXCEPT, not only is it not a unhealthy drink, it is a healthy product for your body.  All of the products on the market currently, are 100% synthesized.  100%.  Even the caffeine and B vitamins that they claim are in them.  eXfuze is 100% food extracts.  100% healthy.

This new product will not replace the Seven+ family of beverages, but will work with them.

It just keeps getting better......

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

River Cats

I cancelled the team meeting yesterday and invited everyone to attend the River Cats game.  I had tickets for everyone, including parking.  Most were busy or out of town, but we had a great time watching the River Cats beat Colorado Springs 7-1. (sorry Gary…)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Product Teaser

Last Monday, Rick Cotton was on the conference call and verified what I had surmised from my conversations with Paul and Eddie.  eXfuze has an energy drink coming out that will be direct competition for Monster, Red Bull and 5 Hour nightmare.  Only……Not only is it not BAD for you (as they are), It is a HEALTHY beverage!!

Next Monday we will get to listen to Dr Joe and Mr.. Jameson explain the product in greater detail.  More then………

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ca State Fair

I was able to get to the California State Fair this last Saturday.  I went with an eXfuze customer (prospective distributer), daughter and grand-daughter.  Eloise met up with us later that evening.  The fair was surprisingly empty.  We had absolutely no crowds to negotiate in the exhibit halls.  The music was fantastic also.  We had plenty of seating while we sat and listened.  With no crowds to maneuver around, I didn’t even think about how 2 years ago, I finished off the day at the fair by riding in a wheelchair.  We spent over 6 hours at the fair and as we were walking waaay out to our car to leave, I realized that I didn’t even bring a cane with me.  And, at midnight, I was walking at a fast pace with no discomfort whatsoever.  eXfuze is amazing!

Todd Smith

I was fortunate to listen to Todd Smith last week.  He will be the featured speaker at our September Convention.  I was so impressed with his talk, that I ordered a disc set from his website.  He has a really down-to-earth way of explaining how he achieved his success in his network business.  As eXfuze is poised on the edge of great growth, I think that using his advice will be an advantage for all of us.  I am offering a copy to all of my downline that exhibits any effort in trying to build their business.  Having a downline in place will greatly expand your possibilities for the residual income that we are all working for.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

a New Week

It is always fun getting new customers.  I gave 4 bottles this last week and now have 3 new customers.  1 customer has the potential to be a distributer, we’ll see.  The immediate feedback from the 3 customers is extremely satisfying.

On a new personal note, my family took a 900 mile (round trip) road trip last weekend to see my bride’s dad on Father’s Day.  At the finale, the ladies wanted to stop off and get groceries on the way home.  I didn’t wish to wait and walk around Safeway for an hour before getting home, so I walked the 2.5-3 miles home.  And I felt great!  After 900 miles in a car in a period of less than 2 days!

Is eXfuze GREAT or WHAT??!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

the Importance of Understanding Seven+

I have been really good at listening to the eXfuze corporate conference calls as well as the specific conference calls on Monday and Saturday.  I consider them a “must listen to”.  They keep me educated on the eXfuze family of products and I get many lessons on how to run my business.

The Monday calls are fantastic on learning about the product.  The phone number can be found in your back office, under the events and calendar tabs.  All of them are recorded, so you can go back through the calendar and listen to them all.  Spend a day catching up on them.

I am firmly convinced that anyone not drinking eXfuze is not as healthy as they could be.  It trumps any and all vitamins and supplements.  I drink a shot every morning , first thing.  Every Day.  No exceptions.  I feel healthier and am enjoying the benefits of being completely off prescribed drugs.  I am almost pain free.  And this is after 23 years of pain and discomfort.  My friends and family that were healthier to start, all report substantial and measurable benefits too.  And eXfuze is cheap!  I pay more for a cup of Starbuck’s coffee.

When you have been a steady eXfuze drinker for any length of time, you will wonder why everyone doesn’t drink eXfuze every day.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Results and Observations – 1 year later

It is now 1 year to the day that I filed a post on my personal results.  You can still call up the archive if you wish, May 25, 2009.  As I look back on the past year, I see more clearly, the improvement in my health.  After 23 years of prescriptions, it has now been over a year since I have renewed any of them.  I have less pain and discomfort than at any time since the accident in 1986.  I am cautiously learning to do some of the things that were removed from my capabilities by the damage to my back.  I am still restricted from many physical activities, such as basketball, volleyball, etc, but am back to short bike rides, unrestricted walks on fairly level surfaces, road trips in the van (which used to be restricted to 45-60 min per round trip) and short airline flights.    I am still having a hard time sitting on a piano bench and cannot function at the piano leaning against a back rest.  However, my recovery time from any acceleration of pain has been reduced to hours instead of days or weeks.  I am able to play physically with our 4 year old granddaughter, which I could not do with our own children after the accident, unless heavily medicated during and afterwards.

I am drinking eXfuze twice per day, most days.  I drink PRO in the morning when I rise.  I will drink the Classic Seven+ in the late afternoon between lunch and dinner, 4 or 5 days per week.  If I know that I have had a particular difficult day physically, I will drink a 3rd 3/4 ounce shot before bedtime.  I have gone for days without the second or third shots, but have never missed the shot in the morning.  I figure that my cost averages $1.75 per day.  This about the cost of a soda.  This makes eXfuze incredibly inexpensive and affordable for anyone’s budget.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rumors and more

We have now received an email that states that the study by Dr Booth is being published in a medical journal.  His study reveals the benefits of drinking eXfuze and it’s effect on helping to control blood sugars.  This is great news for those who take medications to control their blood sugar.  If eXfuze can help regulate this for them, it is a huge factor in our business!

We continue to have great success with the Super Seven product.  As a travel packet, it is perfect.  It is within the 2 oz limit set by the airports and is easy to carry.   It is also available in bottles to be kept in the refrigerator (after opening) at home.

We have bottles of all 3 versions in our fridge.  I still take PRO in the morning and (occasionally) Classic in the evening.  Super is great for when the day has gone long and you still need to be really alert.  I also like Super for road trips.  You stay mentally alert and still can lay down and sleep when you get to your destination.  It has none of the jitters or the “rush and crash” of the energy drinks that are popular.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Open House Event

I was invited to show eXfuze at an Open House at Gold’s Gym.  I started setting up around 3:45pm and had people at the table by 4:30pm.  Between 5 and 8pm, there were many people taking brochures and information.  I had brought bottles and gave out almost 2 bottles (in 1/2 oz cups).  Everyone loved the taste.  I had both Seven+ classic and PRO.  Amanda was the only distributer that responded and she was there from around 5pm until we packed up.  Our tables weren’t fancy.  I had magazines, tri-fold brochures, PRO brochures and business cards out.  No audio or video.  We were at the entrance and the DJ was directly across from us.

We got people who signed up for more information and 10-12 preferred customers.  I run the 2 for the price of 1 at these events and use my drop ships to get them their extra bottle.  We had great interest from the trainers there and I am in contact with them also.

This event came about due to my membership in the Chamber of Commerce.  I met a trainer at a Chamber mixer and she invited me to call her and arrange a meeting with the gym staff.  That was on Friday, and I was invited to the open house the following Tuesday.

This is a confirmation of how getting out and talking to people leads to customers that they expose you to.  Anytime that you are asked for your name, phone number, email address, etc, don’t answer them verbally.  Hand them your eXfuze business card.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New season, New distributer Pak

Now that I have survived moving Airless, I will get back into the schedule.  I hope.

eXfuze has released the new Super Seven+ in bottles as well as the travel paks.  This product is being really well received.  One of our distributers reports that it has helped with severe headaches.  I know from experience that it works better than the “monster” type drinks at keeping me alert.  It doesn’t have any of the jitters or the rush or the crash associated with these artificial drinks.  AND it is really healthy.  The new Pak includes a travel box included with the PRO bottles and both drop shipment and gift cards.  I am really excited to present this pak to future distributers.  They can recoup the entire cost within a very short time.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Notes from eXfuze University

This is posted late due to relocation of Airless.

Rick Cotton opened with the most relevant comment made.

“I am tomorrow, what I establish for myself today.  I am today, what I established for myself yesterday.”

Read it and believe it.  It is most true.  It can be reworded as;  I am today, what I did yesterday and I will be tomorrow what I am doing today.  So start doing today what it will take to be what you want to be tomorrow.

Steve Campbell told of the ABC’s of Goal setting.  Attitude, Belief and Commitment.  Your attitude steers your destiny.  Your belief fuels your ability to stay on track.  You Commitment empowers you to overcome all obstacles.   Make your goals visual.  If you see and read them every day, it will keep your commitment level up.

Keith Halls spoke of overcoming obstacles.  “You can never win if you quit.”

Dr Joe Guamera talked about Super 7+.  The base is Seven+.  It has increased ionic trace minerals by 5 times.  It has 5 times the brown seaweed extract (fucoidan).  It has periwinkle extract, the most expensive extract known.  Both Super7+ and PROformance contain eXboost.

Krista Anderson stressed that “you must be a product of your product.”  Market or Brand yourself.  Have a 10 second “tag line”.  Never miss an event.  Never quit.

Sandi Burgess spoke of how “Your fortune is in the finish”.  She gave the most effective 30 min lecture on how to be successful with eXfuze.  She had way too much to condense here.  And she talks too fast to make good note taking possible.  She put 45-50 min into her 30 minutes.

If you are an eXfuze distributer, you should be putting the September conference on your calendar today!