We are through Thanksgiving, so we are now entering the Christmas season. The best gift that you can possibly give to your family, as well as yourself, is the gift of eXfuze. This gift can be the beverage and/or the business. I am making sure that everyone I love has the chance to improve their health by exposing them to Seven+ PRO. I am firmly convinced that everyone’s health will improve with a daily shot of PRO. Even if they’re healthy, they will resist and recover from colds and the flu better.
The perfect gift for your family is your success with your business. If you consistently put in 1 or 2 hours a day, 4 or 5 days a week, you will garner success. I’m witnessing it in my team. Those that consistently share the business with others succeed. By sharing, I don’t mean thinking about the business or planning or reading…… These are important, but they are in addition to the 1 or 2 hours spent talking and sharing with new people. Sporadic effort yields sporadic results. You need to work consistently at eXfuze for at least a year or two. The harder you work, the faster the results and the more time and money you will have to work at increasing your business. Getting binary and receiving weekly checks is a fairly easy job now that we have ZILLA as a lead in product.
When you reach the amount of reward that you want, then coast for awhile.
Remember, you can’t coast until after you have climbed the hill.