It is now 1 year to the day that I filed a post on my personal results. You can still call up the archive if you wish, May 25, 2009. As I look back on the past year, I see more clearly, the improvement in my health. After 23 years of prescriptions, it has now been over a year since I have renewed any of them. I have less pain and discomfort than at any time since the accident in 1986. I am cautiously learning to do some of the things that were removed from my capabilities by the damage to my back. I am still restricted from many physical activities, such as basketball, volleyball, etc, but am back to short bike rides, unrestricted walks on fairly level surfaces, road trips in the van (which used to be restricted to 45-60 min per round trip) and short airline flights. I am still having a hard time sitting on a piano bench and cannot function at the piano leaning against a back rest. However, my recovery time from any acceleration of pain has been reduced to hours instead of days or weeks. I am able to play physically with our 4 year old granddaughter, which I could not do with our own children after the accident, unless heavily medicated during and afterwards.
I am drinking eXfuze twice per day, most days. I drink PRO in the morning when I rise. I will drink the Classic Seven+ in the late afternoon between lunch and dinner, 4 or 5 days per week. If I know that I have had a particular difficult day physically, I will drink a 3rd 3/4 ounce shot before bedtime. I have gone for days without the second or third shots, but have never missed the shot in the morning. I figure that my cost averages $1.75 per day. This about the cost of a soda. This makes eXfuze incredibly inexpensive and affordable for anyone’s budget.