OK. At the end of the 3rd month, Total money paid out is $1922.00, including the years total for the extract fuzion website. If I prorate the website, the money paid out is $1493.00. Total income is $1548.15. NET $55.15 !!! YEAH!!! Thanks to the 5th week in July, I'm now completely in the black after 3 months.
Next month, the outlay will increase by around $300.00. including the website. Which means that after the second week, I will be profiting again.
I have 2 new preferred customers. 4 new in my downline. I believe that I will have 2 more distributers within the next week. Things are really looking up!!
I have had email from customers letting me know about the benefits from Seven Plus. Reported results include, better sleep patterns, deeper sleep, relief from psoriasis, eczema and other skin ailments, pain relief from swelling, better digestion and elimination, relief from itching, more energy, relief from fatigue caused by genetic and chromic ailments (including lupus), decreased food cravings, faster healing from cuts and bruises and decreased headaches. This is just the list of the results that I have been made aware of. Everyone seems to benefit differently, but almost everyone notices changes for the better.