Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the Secret to a Healthier Life

Unlike other nutritional products, eXfuze’s idea was to develop a method to extract only the essential nutrients from all seven of the internationally recognized superfoods.

So you can boost your immune system and slow aging the natural way with all seven of these superfoods without having to drink 2 to 4 ounces of each, as you would with other nutritional beverages, which would total 14 to 28 ounces per day.  Even at the low 14 ounces per day, your cost per day would be around $450.00 per month!!  With Seven+, your cost is less than $1.00 per day and you get the benefits of all 7 of the superfoods.

In the past, extracts have been inefficient for nutritional use, due to the process which used either heat or alcohol.  Both destroy nutritional value.  eXfuze has an exclusive  process than uses neither.  This allows a lower price and smaller amount needed.  Plus, because the vitamins and nutritional elements are delivered in a liquid form rather in a pill form, your body is able to utilize 80% to 90% more of the nutrients included in the extracts.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Progress at 2 months

My 2 month anniversary is almost here..  No, it is 2 months ago today that I received my first shipment of Seven+, all 16 bottles.  My sponsor lives 500 miles away, so training was slow to start.  I found out that my starter kit was light, and it took eXfuze almost 3 weeks to get me the complete kit.  So my start was slower than it should have been.  However, I am getting organized and am now ready to forge ahead.  My stats are as follows:

Total outlay for eXfuze is $1093.00, including the shipment I just received this weekend..  Unnecessary website $400.00.  Brochures and paperwork for me and future downline $124.00.  This makes a grand total of $1617.00

Total income is $804.00.   So at the end of my second month, after a slow start, my total revenue for eXtract Fuzion (eXfuze) is –$813.00.   And I have 6 bottles in inventory.   So I have a 50% return of my investment already.   And I consider my start to be really slow.

I have my binary legs started.  I have 3 or 4 preferred customers.  I have 4 or 5 retail customers.  I have 2 or 3 distributer prospects.  I have 2 meetings scheduled for this week, although I don’t know if there will be anyone there, as getting firm commitments is tough for me…….  I have given out over 20 bottles and still have 4 to follow up on this week.  Last weekend, I had my second training meeting with my downline and it went well.  I’m still learning myself about this Networking system and am not the best teacher/trainer yet.  But I DO get them the material they need and have made forms that need to be included in their folders.

Under lessons learned:

All distributers, keep a log of the bottles/samples given.  Keep a log of the outcome, as you need to recognize any patterns and you don’t want to miss someone that you think that you may have already approached.

Insist on your prospects following the 7 day challenge.  Then  follow up after 7 to 10 days.  You are NOT giving out $0,79 soft drink samples!  These samples cost real money.  Insist on at least finding out if they have used the product and getting feedback from them.

Also, be prepared to sell distributorships.  Make at least one or two starter packs for  new distributers.  You will want to give one out to your new distributer immediately on sign up.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

eXfuze update

We had a great eXfuze meet in Vacaville.  There were 8 of us there, plus 2 presenters.  We had 2 or 3 people see our group and ask for the readers digest version afterwards.  I learned more and am now realizing that I will need to formulate my thesis concerning how and why I have come to use and sell Seven Plus.  I guess that it sums up to this: I would drink Seven plus, even if there never was any financial gain in it for me.  However, getting in on the ground floor of a company with this product and at this time is something that cannot be dismissed!

My immediate family has witnessed how this has changed my health and they are now all signing up.  EVEN my MOM!!  She was sold on the product before Larry had even brought me my free bottle.  Now, with hearing us talk about the business side of eXfuze, she insisted on joining.  We told her that we would make sure that she should always get he Seven Plus, but she was adamant about signing on.

So. at 5 weeks in, I have now received my check from eXfuze.  (they pay weekly)  I have grossed just under 40% of my total investment, including all of the Seven Plus that our 4 family members have drank, to date.  At this rate, my fourth month will have me handily in the net profit range after all startup costs, maintenance costs, usage costs, etc.  I have never even heard of a business that would do that.  And this with only a semi-part time effort.  I mean, I was sooooo reluctant to join a MLM company that I have avoided letting anyone know what I’m involved with.  (I know that I need to swallow more than a little pride and “come out of the closet” with this)

Monday, June 1, 2009

May 25th 2009

May 25
My reasons for eXfuze
It’s time that I posted this. Brother Larry brought me my first bottle of eXfuze Seven +. He was enthusiastic about what he had seen it do for his wife’s boss. Larry was not even close to being the first friend or relative to bring me a product or information on a new medical (or non-medical) treatment that they hoped might help me manage my back and leg pain.
The accident was in 1986 and I spent 1987 and most of 1988 going to Physical Therapy and being retrained and relearning how to do things so I wouldn’t increase the pain. I was told by my medical team; Orthopedist, Neurologist, MD, Chiropractor, Disability Insurance Case Handler & Physical Therapist; that there was a 90% chance that it would be too painful for me to walk in 10 years! I had better get my life geared for that day. Believe me, panic started to set in. I was determined to push the Physical Therapy as hard as possible. I was enrolled at a specialized PT clinic for back injuries called “the Back Works”. It was owned and run by a former Head of Emergency Surgery at the largest hospital in San Francisco. The Back Works facility and philosophy is another complete story to be told later. Anyway, I was told to slow down and ease off or I would be doing more harm than good. So I settled into the program. They studied us in every physical movement, in sitting down, laying down, reclining, standing, picking things up, putting things down. getting in and out of cars, brushing your teeth, combing your hair, putting on make-up for the women, etc. They used everything from movies, x-rays, cat scans, infrared photography, tape measurers, you name it, and studied how we did things. Then they re-taught us how to do those things such a way to not aggravate our injuries. I had to completely relearn how to stand up! Anyway, I came out of that with one solid deduction. I had to walk every day, pain or not. I started out at 1 mile per day, 5 days per week. Friends would ask “Doesn’t it hurt to walk?” I developed a mantra. “Yes, it hurts to walk, but it hurts more to NOT walk. And If I don’t walk, I won’t be able to walk.”
I was prescribed many drugs and tried them all until I found the “cocktail” that worked best for me. They included all of the usual suspects such as Vicodin, Valium, Flexeril, Morphine, Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, Oxycodone, Prednisone, Percocet and a bunch of names that I don’t recall right now, some steroids and some not. Some of which didn’t help the pain so much as made one not care if you hurt or not. Morphine is like that, it just dopes you into a stupor. Every year I went on a Prednisone regimen and received a steroid shot into my L5 lumbar when needed. I have a reasonably high tolerance for pain and that helped allot too. Even my Doctors were surprised at how much pain I could stand. It seems that they could “measure” the pain by using the infrared photography. Anyway, my life now included Chiropractors, Masseuses, Medical Doctors, Physical Therapists, Orthopedists, Neurosurgeons, Pharmacists, etc. on a regular appointment basis. I had my “good day and weeks” and my “not as good days and weeks”. Over the course of 20 years, I have pretty much adjusted my life to compensate.
Without going into detail, last winter wasn’t my best winter. So I came into the spring determined to get back into a regimen that would even out the days. And by April, I was doing good, but not great. I had also developed a new problem with my feet last year. I was going to the doctor for this also. It felt like I had a blister running completely across the ball of both feet, just under my toes. It had gone from uncomfortable to painful. I had even gone out and bought all new shoes. The doctors said that there was nothing wrong with my feet. It must be a nerve problem tied into my back injury. Oh great.
Enter Brother Larry. Or I should say, In Stormed Larry! Larry is my baby brother, six years older. He drove up to give me a bottle of eXfuze. And an enthusiastic Larry is impossible to ignore. He had witnessed eXfuze in action! I was underwhelmed with it being another MLM company product, however “help is where you find it”. But it was Larry, a loved one and it was free, so I reluctantly agreed to give it a try. Unlike any of the other juices I had taken, I found it to be really tasty. I did tell Larry that I didn’t want to hear about the company or it’s sales structure or how I could get rich selling it to my friends and relatives. He said “Yeah, Yeah, shut up and drink the stuff.” The next morning, I started on the twice daily routine. Larry went home the next day. He had traveled 800 miles to bring me a bottle of eXfuze. He could have UPS’d it allot cheaper, but he wanted to witness me actually drinking it. Such trust between brothers….. We know each other so well….
When I went for my evening walk 3 days later, I noticed that my feet had NO pain. Hum. I was walking alone, so I had time to think without anyone there. Had I taken more meds than usual that day? No. Actually, I hadn’t needed to take ANY meds that day. Hum. This was nice. A real comfortable walk. I walked 5 instead of the planned 3 miles. No pain. HUUUM. Well, I have always had “good days and not as good days”, so I won’t mention it. Larry called a few days later and wanted to know if I was drinking the eXfuze. I said yes, I was drinking it as told to. He wanted to know if I was OK. subtle aren’t we. I, just as subtle, said yeas, I’m having an OK week. After 2 weeks, my wife confronted me with “You’re feeling allot better aren’t you? I can see it in your face and your back isn’t “mushy” at all." So, being a real Hartsuiker, I admitted “yeah, I’m having a pretty good week”. And she gave me an Eloise look, rolled her eyes and then gave me an Eloise smile. “OK, I’m having a great week, but it may not be anything to do with anything”. After two more days, she said “You need to call Larry”. Yeah I did, ‘cause I was running out of eXfuze.
OK. My feet were pain free and I felt better than I have felt in ……15 years..?? I have taken Seven Plus to my doctors to check out. My Primary’s partner is a DO. They are really enthusiastic about these types of products. Natural is always better than synthesized. I called Larry, who then introduced me to the cost structure and how I could save by being a distributer. This was great as I already had plans to send bottles to everyone that I have been through Physical Therapy with. There were 41 in my class! eXfuze has set up a binary structure that is different than any I had even heard of. I bought in and am charging forward. I have heard from 3 of the friends that I made at the Back Works and two of them are drinking it daily. One of my friends there is a paraplegic. He has had a serious problem with his legs itching for 22 years. After 4 days, the itching disappeared!! It is hard for most people to imagine how profound this is for us. I spent 18 months with this man, watching him scratch his legs bloody. Hearing back from him made this year so much better.
So I will now try to wrap up. After 5 weeks, I haven’t taken an anti-inflammatory and my pain meds have been cut by 85-90%. I feel healthier. This may be because of the eXfuze Seven Plus or because in drinking Seven Plus, I take less meds, or both. I am back to sleeping 5-6 hours without waking up every 30-45 minutes and getting up feeling like I am fully rested. My sleeping pattern is exactly like it was before I was hurt. I am not pain free, but coping with the pain is much easier and with much less medication. Eloise witnessed how it helped me and has now started drinking it as well. Amanda witnessed her her mother’s actions and response to Seven Plus and has started drinking it also. They will have to write their own stories.

original posting of May 14th 2009

May 14
Thoughts on MLM
Everyone that knows me long enough has heard my Amway stories. The stories that include our friend Mike who had to discourage the Amway people from meeting at his restaurant because of the disruption they caused. They would even bother other customers, if said customer would dare to make eye contact. And of course, there was Shaklee, Avon, and so on up to Nikken, Herbal Life and Mona Vie today. Most of these companies have great products. I object to their marketing strategy. If you want to buy their soap, they will try to sell you their vitamins too. AND if you sign up and buy an outrageous amount of product yourself, you will most assuredly become Americas newest millionaire. Guaranteed. Even though it hasn't happened to them or anyone they know, they have HEARD of someone who is now making a zillion dollars a year. And in the past, they have always pushed anyone who would stand still, really hard.
So. For me, why this and why now?
Well, as I stated on my business blog, http://airlessspraycenter.blogspot.com/, I have been looking for something that would give me a secondary income. Preferably a residual one. I looked at some of the current companies. The trouble with them is their size. I would be signing on to a company where millions of people are already selling the product. That means I would be trying to steal someone else’s customers for my own. Gathering new customers to the product would be difficult. And the starting costs, in reality, are very large. I know, you can start for $40 or $60, or $80. But that just gets you on their distributer list. You still cannot sell at a profit until you recruit someone else, actually many someones, and/or buy a large amount of product yourself. Some were $3000.00 to $6000.00 to get everything up and running. Before you could make a dime. Plus your monthly required order. Which means if you do REALLY well, you will recoup your investment in a year or so. And your primary job will have to support you and your secondary job for that time. If you do really well. Most do not.
eXfuze is different in a couple of important ways. First is that there is only 2 products. Seven Plus and Seven Plus Pro. So you can order allot of inventory for less than $350.00 Then there is the fact that eXfuze is a business in it’s infancy. Their first shipment was made in the Fall of 2008. Less than a year ago. That means that the market for this product is wide open. As an extract, it is in a newer, improved and more advanced market than the concentrated juices. So it’s product is in a market of ONE! They make their over-ride checks on a weekly basis. They pay a higher percentage than all of the others. But mainly for me, it is getting in on the ground floor with a company that will grow exponentially. In five years, look me up and ask how this went…….
1:17 PM
SHORT AND SWEET. my new website is up, even though it is far from finished. You can see it (and purchase items soon) at: